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I grew up an avid reader and was fortunate enough to be taken to the theatre regularly. As a student I was a “culture vulture” but then a scientific career and a family took over. So, what a delight to have the digital world of culture at my fingertips now I have both time and inclination to explore.

A selection of my recent discoveries, shared on Instagram are here for your delectation.

Most recently on #IWD2023 I was delighted to discover the wealth of information on remarkable women on the #EnglishHeritageWebsite. Just keep on scrolling down here - there are so many interesting characters – fortunately many are familiar but hopefully now even more will be better known.

Earlier in the month I was so pleased at how well a chance booking I’d made at #TheCollection worked out. We were spellbound by the talk from the creator of the #BritishMuseum #StonehengeExhibition about the lives of people three millennia ago and the role of metal in their society. I am now keen to learn more about the #AmesburyArcher as it was postulated, when we discussed how gold was found back then, that perhaps he was a gold prospector from Europe. I also went on to discover more about the site of the find of the #ShropshireSunPendant and how the origin of gold is determined by geochemists. We went back in the next day to explore more of the exhibition #GatheringLight on what was its last day before it moved on for the spring to #SunderlandMuseumandWinterGardens and then #MuseumnanEilean in #Stornaway for the summer. If you are able to catch it in either of these venues, I would recommend it.

3. #jousting #trilobite (topright)

The trilobite story caught my attention whilst listening to #TheNakedScientistsPodcast. This is a high quality science programme which, by excellent interviewing, makes science accessible. What attracted me to this feature was how even old (400mya) specimens can lead to new theories. In this case, it seems that this is the earliest known example of an adaptation for battle, to compete for mates. This explanation seems plausible because fossil evidence shows a “faulty” trident did not prevent a mutant trilobite growing to maturity. The discussion explored examples of jousting observed in nature today to add credence to the theory. What is brilliant about this article is the acknowledgements exemplify the collaborative nature of science today.

This picture of Monet, appeared in the midst of a brilliant TV programme by #waldemarjanuszczak illuminating the drivers in the Impressionist movement: PaintingandRevolution. It struck me as such a different image from the one I hold of Monet, as the aging artist in Giverny. However, reflecting on the meaning of the documentary now I wonder whether I’d prefer the screenshot of the easel ? As the most exciting aspect of this programme for me, was understanding how technology – paints, brushes, easel had enabled Impressionism. This programme left me exhilarated by the talent of these artists and the excitement of the era. And just for fun, do watch the animated opening theme by #HoldYourHorses

5. #callssigns #lightsout (bottomcentre)

The Morse Code image is the #CallSign of an inspirational character – lawyer cum radioham broadcasting from #Ukraine. Do listen to this brilliantly constructed programme for #LightsOut. This is radio at its best when through the warmth and eloquence of voice you see what he sees, feel what he feels. Its so very hard to comprehend the damage that has been done by this dreadful invasion, but we honour the Ukranians by hearing their voice. Thank you to #AFallingTree for bringing this to #BBCListeners in such a meaningful way.

6. #burnsnight (bottomright)

The first post of this sextet was on #BurnsNight and was quite a personal one. I described what Burn’s Night means to my family and how we celebrate. I hope that this encourages others to share the joy of Eddi Reader’s rendition of his songs and the joy of verse and #UisgeBeatha. Slange!

I hope this round up of my latest six microblogs

encourage you to explore the original content and discover that it informs, entertains or moves you in the way it did me.


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